Solid Roots is provided from a heart felt love for Jesus Christ and His saints. Our desire is to help each person who believes Jesus Christ is our God, Savior and Lord to grow in a deeper knowledge of and love for Him. 1 John 2:12-14 pictures the Christian life as starting as a spiritual baby in the faith. The measure of maturity for believers is our growth from little children into young men and then eventually into fathers of the faith. The spiritual young man is one who is strong, has victory over the evil one, and really knows the Bible. The spiritual father is the believer who because he is sinning less and less and knows the Bible can know “Him who is from the beginning.” So it is our desire to help believers grow spiritually through this study series and in time become fathers of the faith.
These studies are free to anyone who desires to use them. It covers essential Christian truths. Each study is mixed with teaching, questions, and illustrations which will help you think through important truths. Each study offers a quiz which should be taken before starting each study to prepare you for the study. Answer keys are provided for the quizzes and the studies. The topics covered in these studies are as follows: