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I Jean (John) Calahan am a retired pastor of a non-denominational church now devoting myself full-time to the on-line teaching ministry of  We are committed to in-depth, verse-by-verse teaching of the Word of God and answering Bible questions so that every Christian can become spiritual fathers in the faith (Hebrews 5:11-14; 1 John 2:12-14). I (John) have the desire to help you become a Christian first, and then to grow in your faith. I am committed to love and sound doctrine. Our Lord Jesus was committed to loving and teaching people. He healed, fed and taught about God the Father. Therefore, at this website we seek to provide spiritual milk for those who need it, and also spiritual meat or solid food so that you may grow spiritually. Both are essential for spiritual growth. I am committed to glorifying God and discipleship (Matthew 20:18-20). We urge every believer to discover their spiritual gifts and then use that gift to fulfill God’s will for their life.

I attended BIOLA University, a Christian university, believing that God wanted me to be a pastor. My major was Bible. However, I left BIOLA after two years and became a mathematics teacher at the secondary level. Then the Lord directed me to be an aerospace engineer in the field of research and development of advanced radars, high-tech concepts and missiles initially at Hughes Missile Systems Company which later became Raytheon. Eventually, I was a manager of defense programs. God helped me earn a degree in Mathematics and two masters degrees (education from CSULA and engineering from UCLA).

But my heart’s desire was to teach the Word of God and shepherd God’s people. I often said that I worked in the secular world in order to minister for Christ. My heart has always been to shepherd God’s people. So while working in the secular world, the Lord Jesus called me to be an elder at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California under the pulpit of John MacArthur. My wife and I attended Grace Community Church for seventeen years. I was an elder there for almost ten years. While I was at Grace, I had a wide variety of ministry responsibilities ranging from teaching the Word of God, working with seminary students, counseling individuals, teaching at the Logos Bible Institute, and providing oversight for various ministries. Before attending Grace Community Church, my wife and I were members of the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles while Dr. J. Vernon McGee was the pastor. We were also on staff at Thru The Bible Radio Network, Dr. McGee’s Bible teaching radio ministry.

We pray that God will use in your life to draw you closer to Him.

In His Grace,

John Calahan