Bible Question:
I would like to thank you for your current study. However, I do not agree with the NASB. It is corrupt. I believe we should use only the King James Version Bible. I am a firm believer that people don't use the KJV because they have never read it.
Bible Answer:
Some Christians believe they should use only the King James Version Bible. Other Christians want to know if they are correct and ask if the best Bible is the King James Version Bible. Therefore, let us explore the evidence for what is the best Bible to own and read and why.
Translation From the Hebrew and Greek Languages
It is important to remember that the Bible was originally written in Greek and Hebrew. The Bible was not written in English or King James English. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and the New Testament was written in Greek. Since then the Bible has been translated into English, German, Spanish, and other languages so that others can read and understand it. Consequently, none of the translations are perfect because it is impossible to exactly translate from any language into another one. Every translation needs to be updated as language changes over time as the meanings of words and expressions change. Here is one such example of the Greek word cheirotoneo used in Acts 14:23.
Cheirotoneo (from cheirotonos, extending the hand, cheir, hand, and teino, to stretch) is an old verb that originally meant to vote by show of the hands, finally to appoint with the approval of an assembly that chooses as in II Cor. 8:19, and then to appoint without regard to choice as in Josephus (Ant. XIII. 2,2) of the appointment of Jonathan as high priest by Alexander. So in Acts 10:41 the compound procheiratones is used of witnesses appointed by God.[1]
The King James Version
The 1611 King James version Bible (KJV) is a good translation of the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek. But it is not the best Bible translation among those available in 2020. The New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the New King James Version are currently the best word-for-word or literal translations of the Greek. The English Standard Version (ESV) is next. The very popular New International Version Bible (NIV) is not really a word-for-word translation but an attempt to explain the meaning of the Bible. It is closer to a commentary on the Bible. Consequently, it is not among the better translations for Bible reading or serious Bible study.
Why is the 1611 KJV Bible no longer recommended? The answer is that many words have changed their meanings since 1611. One such example is the word “kill” in the sixth commandment. In 1611 the word “kill” had the meaning of today’s word “murder.” In 1611, the word “slay” had the meaning of the word “kill.” The 1611 KJV followed Erasmus’ Greek text, and unfortunately, the translators of the King James Version inserted the following phrase into the KJV because Erasmus promised to insert it if anyone could find even a single manuscript with the reading.
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1 John 5:7 (KJV)
And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth. 1 John 5:7 (NASB)
Unfortunately, someone found a single sixteenth Greek minuscule with this wording and Erasmus included the reading in his 1522 edition. The 1611 KJV version followed Erasmus’ Greek text and so the Textus Receptus has retained the reading ever since contrary to the authority of over 5,000 better Greek documents. In summary, the 1611 KJV Bible uses outdated language and is not now an accurate translation of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of the Bible.
Today the best four outstanding Bible translations are the New American Standard Version, the English Standard Version, the King James Version, and the New King James Version. The NKJV or the NASB are recommended. The NKJV has updated the meanings of the older English words in the original KJV. The New American Standard reflects a better over all Greek manuscript – Nestle-Aland text. We praise God that these texts faithfully reflect God’s word. He is faithful!
1. Robertson, A. T., Word Pictures in the New Testament, Baker Book House, 1930., Vol. 5, pp. 216-217
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