Bible Question:

I really desire to study the Word of God using the King James Version. I've noticed that you use many different versions. How do you decide which version to use, and why switch from one to the next?

Bible Answer:

Each and every Bible has its advantages and disadvantages. Currently there is a wide variety of Bibles for sale. Most of the new Bibles seek to help Christians in their spiritual walk such as: “KJV Share Jesus without Fear New Testament,” “HCSB Experiencing the Word Gospel of John”, “Celebrate Jesus 2000 New Testament,” “NKJV Serenity New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs,” “The Woman’s Study Bible,” “The Full Life Study Bible,” “NKJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible,” or the NIV Prophecy Marked Reference Study Bible.” The list goes on.

Which Bible should you use for Bible study?

Best Bible For Serious Study

For serious Bible study, the best Bible is one that is a word-for-word translation of the Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek is recommended. As of 2022, the best Bible is the new Legacy Standard Bible (LSB), then the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the English Standard Version Bible (ESV), or the New King James Version (NKJV). They try to match one English word to one Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek word. These Bibles are much more accurate and among the best Bibles a Christian can use in Bible study. These Bibles are called Formal Equivalence translations.

The New International Version (NIV) is an example of a Bible that takes the opposite approach. The NIV is called a dynamic-equivalence translation because it attempts to give you the meaning or the sense of the passage. Unfortunately, words have been inserted that do not appear in the original language and words have been left out. The New Living Translation (NLT) and Amplified Bible are examples of Bibles that are more like commentaries on the Bible. That is, they take liberty with the original text and tend to give opinion rather than being textually accurate. In reality, all dynamic-equivalence translations are commentaries since they are trying to explain the meaning. The translators have inserted themselves between the Bible and the student.

Older Bibles

The older Bibles are preferred by many Christians for various reasons. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) and King James Versions (KJV) are usually the choice. But there are issues with them. The RSV seriously departs from the original language at times. The KJV is a very good translation, and for many years it was the best. However, it was completed in 1769 and in the years since it was translated, the meanings of many of the English words used in the KJV have change. It is now a dated translation. The goal of the NKJV translation was simply to correct the meaning of certain KJV words.

It is important to realize that the NKJV has removed some portions of the KJV that should never have been included such as 1 John 5:7, “For there are three that bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” 1 John 5:7 does not exit in the best manuscripts. For more information about problems with the KJV Bible visit “Is The King James Bible The Best Bible?”


It is recommended that the serious Christians purchase an LSB, NASB, ESV, NKJV and KJV, in that order. The best study Bible on the market in 2022 is the John MacArthur Study in either of the above versions.

In conclusion, the best Bible for study is the LSB.  Then the NASB is second, NKJV is third, the KJV Bible is fourth and then the others follow: RSV and NIV. Multiple translations should be used in Bible study since one Bible does not always give the most accurate translation of the entire Bible.

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Is The King James Bible The Best Bible?
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