Bible Question:
How does 383 biblical years covert to 476 Gregorian years and 25 days?
Bible Answer:
The primary question we are concerned with is how do we convert the sixty-nine weeks (sixty-two weeks + nine weeks) in Daniel 9:24-25 into our Gregorian calendar. The reader should review the calculations in the following documents before proceeding further:
– Prophecy of Daniel’s 70 Weeks
– What is the correct calculation of Daniel’s 69 Weeks?
Convert Biblical Years Into Days
The preceding documents demonstrate that Daniel’s sixty-nine weeks (Daniel 9:25) correspond to 483 biblical years. Since the Gregorian calendar is the common calendar in use today, we must convert the 483 biblical years into our calendar. Please note the Gregorian should not be confused with the calendar used by astronomy which is the Julian calendar.
In order to convert the 483 biblical years into our Gregorian calendar, we must 1) determine how many days are in the 483 biblical years and then 2) divide by the number of days in a Gregorian year to discover the number of years and days in our current Gregorian calendar. Therefore, we multiply the 483 biblical years by 360 days per biblical year in order to compute the total number of days in the 483 biblical years (see chart below). We obtain 173,880 days in a 483 biblical years.
Convert Into Gregorian Calendar
Next, we divide 173,880 days by the number of days in the Gregorian calendar in order to determine how many years and days this corresponds to in the Gregorian calendar. This requires that we divide 173,880 days by 365.24219879.1 The result is 476 Gregorian years and 24.717 days or 25 days, rounded off.
When the division was performed, the result is 476.0676631. The fractional part of 0.06676631 corresponds to a fractional part of the Gregorian calendar. We can convert this into days by multiplying 0.0676631 by 365.24219879, the number of days in a Gregorian year. The result is 24.7 or 25 days, rounded off.
The result of the computations is 483 biblical years are equivalent to 476 Gregorian years and 25 days.
As demonstrated in Prophecy of Daniel’s 70 Weeks , the end year of Daniel’s prophecy is found by subtracting 476 years from 444 B.C. As a result, we obtain A.D. 32 years. Since there is only one year between 1 B.C. and A.D. 1, we must add one year since the preceding subtraction assumes two years (one year from 1 B.C. to zero and one year from zero to A.D. 1). As a result we add one year and we obtain A.D. 33. This is the year in which Christ died. Next, we must add 25 days to the date of Nisan 1 in the year A.D. 33. Since Nisan 1 corresponds to February 27, A.D. 33, when we add 25 days we arrive at Thursday, March 24, A.D. 33. This is about one week before Christ died on April 1, A.D. 33.
1. Small Mahzor. Wikipedia (
Suggested Links:
Prophecy of Daniel’s 70 WeeksWhat is the correct calculation of Daniel’s 69 Weeks?
Year of Jesus’ Death Was Prophesied
Why did the 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25 not end on 1 Nisan? – In Jewish Calendar
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