Bible Question:
Sometimes I wonder what the point of prayer is. If a prayer is not answered, then it is said that this is because it is not the will of God. If a prayer is answered then it must be the will of God. So if it was the will of God, would the event happen anyway whether I prayed or not? If God knows what we want and what is best for us, do we need to pray for it? Will He not provide it anyway?
Bible Answer:
God has told us that He answers our prayers when they are according to His will. But the Holy Spirit has also made this startling statement,
You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. And you are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. (NASB) James 4:2-3
This implies that God waits on us to ask for certain things. We can miss an opportunity by not asking. There are some who believe that God has determined everything for us. They would say that God has planned every detail of your life. But this verse makes it clear that that is not true. Within God’s will there are options. He has not planned every detail of our lives.
God answers our every prayer. Sometimes it is “no” and sometimes “yes.”. Prayer is a privilege that God has given us. He welcomes our prayers. I believe that God wants to give us our requests when it is in our best interest and accomplishes His purposes. We have not because we do not ask.