Bible Question:
Thank you for such a wonderful ministry, My question is about tithing. I have read your message about should we tithe? I have been in a cross with tithing for several years. All the pastors on TV, radio, and locally (my Pastor) all believe in the tenth or tithe. I feel like a moran that I have different views but I want to be blessed and right before God. I don't want to miss my financial reward because I am not a tither, but I love and believe in giving and supporting the ministry. Why are there so many people who have benefited from tithing although they do not tithe correctly according to Old Testament scripture? Why is that? I too have tithed in the past and God gave me a financial breakthrough It just is that now my finances are very strained. Sometimes I do not have the tenth to give. And I struggle with this. What is the power behind it? Please explain this to me.
Bible Answer:
Many believe that tithing is biblical. They quote Old Testament passages which refer to tithe or ten percent. These passages appear to support their statements. But these passages deal with taxation. Nowhere in the New Testament can we find a command to tithe. The word “tithe” does appear, but not as a command to give. It does not exist in the New Testament. For anyone who is not familiar with the article “Tithing or Giving” take time to read it before going farther. God does ask His followers to give and to give from their hearts. But He does not demand a fixed amount.
God has blessed many of those who have given, not because there is some magic in giving ten percent of your income, but because of the heart attitude of the person who gave. In 2 Corinthians God has told us that He will bless those who give with the correct attitude.
Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (NASB) 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
There is no magic in giving ten percent. While many teach tithing, God still blesses. God is not an ogre waiting to stomp any and everyone who is not perfect. God is more interested in our heart attitude rather than in how much we give (Luke 21:1-4). God wants us to choose to whom we give. That is why we do not see tithing taught in the New Testament.
Give from the heart and God has promised you a bountiful return. God does not demand a fixed amount. It is your choice. It is a heart decision. May the Lord bless you.