I want to welcome you to NeverThirsty.org and rejoice that you have joined the NeverThirsty Newsletter. The name of the website comes from John 4, where Jesus met a woman who was spiritually empty. She had a spiritual need, but she did not realize her need. Therefore, Jesus offered her living water when He encountered her. Living water is symbolic of spiritual life and fulfillment that comes when one believes in Jesus and trusts Him to forgive their sins (Romans 10:9-10). Jesus did everything that was necessary to forgive your sins (John 3:16). Jesus told her that if she drank of His living water, she would never thirst again. He was speaking figuratively of the Holy Spirit who would indwell her and bring her joy and peace.

Rivers of Living Water

If you are not a Christian or if you are not sure you are, at NeverThirsty you will be able to discover how to become a Christian at “Searching For God.” If you are a Christian, you can grow and blossom in your knowledge and relationship with God as you read and dig into the Bible studies.  God’s greatest passion is that you will long to know Him and seek to know Him. He wants you to discover Him. Read the amazing statement that God makes in Jeremiah 9:23-24.

Thus says the Lord, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches;  but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the Lord.  Jeremiah 9:23-24  (NASB)

The passage reveals that God wants us to know Him.  1 John 2:12-14 reveals that as we grow in our knowledge of Him and become more godly, we will increasingly know Him.

To help you grow spiritually, the NeverThirsty website is packed with Bible studies from the Old and New Testaments, church leadership studies, studies for discipleship, an archive of questions and answers from the Bible and very important facts about Jesus Christ. We encourage you to explore the website and ask questions.

We look forward to speaking with you again via this newsletter,

— John Calahan