Christmas - Question and Answer
The following questions and answers will provide helpful insights into the birth of Jesus Christ.
What is the real meaning of Christmas?
What does the name Yeshua mean?
Why was Jesus Christ born into the world?
How can we know the Messiah would be God incarnate?
Did the Jews believe the Messiah would arrive in the first century A.D.?
Can we determine the date of Christ’s birth from the visit of the magi?
Is Isaiah 7:14-16 talking about Jesus Christ?
Was Jesus born on December 25? — Testimony of Historians
Was Jesus born in September or on December 25? — Using John the Baptist’s birth
Were shepherds and sheep in the field in December at Christ’s birth?
Was Jesus born in September? — Based on the arrival of the Magi
How old was Jesus when the wise men found Him?
Who was Mary, the mother of Jesus?
Is it right to display a nativity scene?
Are swaddling clothes a sign in Ezekiel 16:4?
Should Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter?
When were Mary and Joseph married?
What do we know about the life of Joseph?
What do we know about Joseph, the supposed father of Jesus Christ?
Where was Jesus when the wise men found Him and gave Him gifts?
What did gold, frankincense, and myrrh have to do with gifts to Christ?
Is there secular evidence Herod killed babies under the age of two?
When was Publius Quirinius governor of Syria? – Census in Luke 2:2
What was the purpose of the children dying at the time of Christ’s birth?
Why do some people write Xmas instead of Christmas?
Why are the genealogical records for Jesus different in Matthew and Luke?
Christmas Bible Studies
The following studies about the birth of Jesus are taken from the series called the Life of Christ.
Father's Birthday Party for Jesus
Forerunner John The Baptist Has Arrived
The Star — Symbol of the Messiah, King of the Jews
Jesus’ Dedication In The Temple
Arrival of the Magi To Visit Christ
Christmas Messages - Audio
The following MP3 audio studies are about the birth of our God in human flesh.