Bible Question:
Why do we believe in God? Is it to simply avoid Hell? Why did God allow us to have knowledge? I know we're not God, and we can not even fathom him, but then why search for God?
Bible Answer:
We have knowledge because we have been created in His image. That is, we are like God in that we have intellect, emotion, and will. That includes knowledge. Why did God make us like Himself in some ways? The answer is that we do not know because He did not tell us.
We know about Him because He has written the divine standard of morality into our conscience (Romans 2:1-2, 14-15). We instinctively have a sense of good and evil within us. We sense that God exists. An overwhelming majority of people around the world believes that God exists. Yet, some have seared their conscience and become agnostics or atheists by repeatedly violating God’s standard and denying His existence. That is God’s message in Romans 1:20-28. We know about Him also because He came in the person of Jesus Christ to teach us about Himself. We have learned about Him from the Bible.
God created us in the first place to have a relationship with Him. That relationship was damaged when man chose to sin. Then God responded in love and Jesus Christ came to die for our sins that we might not suffer an eternal death. One can escape this eternal death by believing in Jesus Christ and seeking His forgiveness.
So why should we be searching for God? Why should we want to know Him? Isn’t the more significant question this, “Why don’t we want to know about God?” and the next one is, “What is the meaning to life?” Since there is a God, is it not important to know who He is, what He expects from us, and why He put us here?
The answers to those questions are found in the Bible. The Bible tells about the nature and will of God. It tells us that we need to believe in Jesus Christ. God wants us to believe in Jesus Christ and accept His forgiveness for our sins.
This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. (NASB) 1 John 3:23
He wants us to accept Jesus because He loves us. He knows that if we do not we are headed for a miserable eternity. Because God is holy He cannot just ignore our sins and let us escape. Therefore, He came in the person of the historical Jesus Christ and died for us. He found a way for us to escape an eternity of suffering. Because Jesus died for our sins, He can forgive our sins when we believe that Jesus is God and accept His forgiveness.
In Jeremiah 29:12-13 God promises that we will search for Him with all our heart we will find Him.
“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD . . . Jer. 29:12 (NASB)
May God bless you as you search for Him.
Suggested Links:
Searching For GodGod made man in His image. What is God's image?
Does Jeremiah 29:13 apply to us?
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