Bible Question:
Having been saved at age 38, and not being raised in the church, along with my arduous work weeks in the legal assistant field, fighting my way to work in the city, I have no desire to get dressed and drive to church on Sundays. I know that if I went to church every day, it would not get me into heaven. A great theologian wrote that the church is for the unsaved to draw them to God and those at peace with God have little desire for the church. That is me. Always was. I study and read continuously and love my solitude, like now, Sunday, with God. I also have a physical condition that makes my going out difficult and by Sunday, I need the rest of the sabbath, literally and figuratively. I also have not found any church that caused me to want to unite with the brethren. I've asked God if it's me, to show me. Yet today's churches, on site and on television, do not draw me to them. Do you think I am sinning and/or fooling myself? I do not believe so. I truly love God, and I know He loves me. I have a peace in my heart and soul, and since I came across your site, I figured you might help me. I also wonder why God allows Benny Hinn, and like belly preaching ministers to continue. No wonder people don't want to go to church, even me. Can you help me?
Bible Answer:
You have a great question because it opens the door to several wonderful facts.
In a New Testament book entitled Hebrews, God has encouraged us with this statement,
. . . and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near. (NASB) Heb. 10:24-25
The message of this passage is that we need to gather with other Christians in order to “stimulate” and “to be stimulated” to love and good deeds. We need one another in order to spiritually grow. God did not encourage these believers to attend church for the purpose of just attending church. He wanted them, as well as us, to attend for our mutual spiritual growth. This was the pattern of the early Christians (Acts. 2:42). We gather together for the teaching of the Word of God, to sing praises to God, and to encourage one another.
Mark of A Christian
It is amazing that God has given us an entire book in the New Testament to help us know if we are Christians. I would encourage you to read it sometime. But for now, let me draw your attention to a passage which will raise a question that only you can answer.
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (NASB) 1 John 4:7-8
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. (NASB) John 13:35
Do you love other Christians? The next question is, “Do we really love other Christians if we have no desire to attend church and be with them?” Only you and the Lord know the answer to this question. We would encourage to explore “Searching for God” and “Marks of Christians” and ask, “Am I a Christian?” Do I really believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
It is interesting that you are asking questions about the fact you are not attending a church. Why are you asking? It seems that you have doubts that you perhaps are not doing the correct thing. I wonder if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and encouraging to you to start attending. You may be interested in a previous question, “How Do I Know Which Church to Attend?“
Suggested Links:
Searching For GodMarks of Christians
How can I be sure that God wants me to be part of a particular church or denomination?
Do you have to go to church to be a good Christian?
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